My Online Journal Launches on YouTube, Feb. 15!

Welcome to the introductory video for my 2025 online process journal supported by a Creative Individuals grant awarded from the Minnesota State Arts Board.

No frills, unedited videos of me at work in my small-town studio! Videos may include barking sessions and studio visits from my dear dog, Daisy.

In this video and those to follow, I'll share my small studio space with you and demonstrate how I create abstract work. As we progress, I'll share my thoughts about why I believe abstraction is so important for an individual's authentic expressions of life experience.

M E Fuller is a fiscal year 2025 recipient of a Creative Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Follow along and put your editing mind to rest while we learn to freely create abstract paintings.

I will also be writing about my process and thoughts about abstraction in this journal. I hope to blog 2x a month. Stay tuned!

Subscribe to my monthly newsletter so you don’t miss anything. And register for workshops!

See you next time. Thanks for reading.


Online Journal Entries Begin!


Winter Paintings in Progress