World Building Wednesdays
When you can’t focus, shake things up!
An old, long-gone friend of mine talked about a shower of glitter. That’s how she experienced life. One sparkly thing after another captured her attention. Nothing ever got done. She was a hoarder and maybe one thing explains the other. I do not know.
A few weeks ago, I realized that I was no longer laser-focused on tasks. I couldn’t keep my mind on anything for more than a few minutes. Creatively, I slumped. I struggled with painting and was confused by the storyline I was building for a new book. I was experiencing a shower of randomness and not a sparkly thing showed up to enchant me.
A creative slump, illustrated.
Something had to change. I decided to devote one day a week to creative musing. I could be as random as I wanted. What I couldn’t do was address a task list. I could change the sheets, do laundry, wash the floor while musing, but I couldn’t tackle a MUST list.
The result was I started producing again. I didn’t stick to my world building at all. I guess I jogged my thoughts from wherever they were stuck. Oh, and I bought a sparkly light. I plug it in each morning before I go to my studio. I know it’s there. It’s like my friend, endlessly sparkling but contained!
The story line for From Hothouse to Heaven became clear. The characters developed, lively and troublesome. I write with an undistracted smile.
I’d been having a figurative fistfight with a painting for months. We called a truce and I’m in love with the finished image, my first of 2023.
In Your Dreams, M E Fuller, 2023
In Your Dreams is available. It’s a mixed acrylic on canvas abstract. 18 x 18 x 1.5 inches. $975. Shipping is free in the lower U.S. Let me know if you would like to purchase this or any other painting you see on my gallery page.
See you next time. Thanks for reading.