Winter Can Be Tough on the Creative Spirit. It Was Hard to Push Through!

Did Winter Slow You Down?

It was tough on me, I have to say. I found it hard to escape the February blues, but I fought my way through to March. I am craving the spring thaw! The painting featured in this week’s blog is titled, Spring Thaw. You can find this and other available paintings on my gallery page.

What Do You Do When Your Creative Spirit is Stalled?

There was one thing that kept me energized (barely) and that was my stints at the gym. Even a 30-minute workout three or four times a week helps keep the mind and the muscles turned up. That sluggish feeling from inactivity will affect your creative flow.

Schedule Activity Throughout Your Work Day

A 10-minute break every couple of hours will refresh your mind and spirit. Every couple of hours get up and move around to shake off the winter blues!

 See you next time. Thanks for reading.


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